A lot has been changing with Admin 2020 recently, and while we said version 1.2.8 was a big one, version 1.3 is a lot bigger and comes packed with new features and updates.
Google Analytics
We have made some huge changes to the way analytics works with Admin 2020. Firstly, no more creating credentials and messing around with api keys. We now have a simple sign in button in the admin 2020 settings, this will ask you to choose the analytics account you want to use and after that, you are good to go. This new process does mean you will have to relink an account if you already have Analytics set up on a previous version, but thankfully it only takes less than one minute 🙂
Not only is this process way smoother, it also allows analytics to display for any user (that you want to see it), on any device without signing in again! And in the interest of being transparent, we store none of your data or google access keys on our servers so you have control over your data, not us.
We have also added two new analytics cards to the dashboard, you now have a chart to monitor page speed and an average page speed card with a previous date range comparison.
Overview Page
We have made a lot of under the hood changes here to allow you to add custom content and cards to the overview page, tutorial to follow tomorrow so keep your a look out!
We have also added two new icons in the top right, one if for toggling the cards you want to see on your dash which can be saved for further customisation and a categories filter, so can you filter cards to just be analytics for example!
Another overview page related update, we have now added three woocommerce cards to the overview page! These only show if you have woocommerce installed and activated. These give you a clear understanding of how your store is performing and update when you change the date on the overview page!
Menu Editor
Admin 2020’s menu editor has just gotten even more powerful! Now, when you hide a menu item for a user, not only is it hidden but it also becomes a restricted page, so there is no way they can access it even if they have a direct link!
We have also introduced the ability to set custom icons for your menu items so you can create truly unique menus.
Last but not least for the menu editor, you can now disable Admin 2020 by page, this is easily done from the menu editor. Choose the page you wish to disabled admin 2020 on and toggle the switch.
For version 1.3, we have rebuilt and rewritten the foldering system from the ground up. Don’t worry, your existing folders will still be there when you upgrade!
The UI and UX of the folders is much easier to use and clearer to navigate and you can now add sub-sub folders of sub folders and sub-sub-sub folders, well actually there is no limit, you can go as many levels as you want!
The new folder system is drag and drop compatible and we have also added a colour coding system to the folders so you can organise your assets in a clear and efficient way!
Batch Rename
This update introduces a brand new feature to admin 2020, a powerful batch rename function for the media library. If you have ever used adobe Bridge to rename files, it works in a similar way.
The feature allows you to batch rename the attachment name or alt attribute and gives you lots of options to do create efficient and organised naming conventions.
And that’s all we are going to cover here, you can see the full release notes below but as always we look forward to hearing your feedback and feature requests! Check back tomorrow for our first tutorial on adding custom cards to the overview page!
Admin 2020 x
Full Release Notes:
Fixed a bug with menu sub items replicating themselves
Fixed secondary admin bar links (right aligned ones)
Added comparison stats to country, sources and pages analytics cards
Added the ability to set custom menu icons
Switched admin menu to a fixed width when not collapsed
Fixed monster insights onboarding screen
Amended the ‘admin2020_register_dash_card’ to include start date and end date
Added compatibility for the plugin stockpack
Hidden menu items are also now restricted, ie the user won’t be able to access the page even via direct link
Fixed plugin uploaded screen
Fixed woo commerce onboarding screen
Added filter for overview cards
Added three woo commerce cards to the overview page
You can now disable admin 2020 by page through the menu editor
You can now hide / show which cards you want visible on the overview page
Added a settings link to Admin 2020 on the plugin table
You can now rename your active theme. Just go to admin 2020 settings > appearance > white label
Various improvements to the media image viewer flyout
Fixed a conflict with woo commerce causing images to endlessly repeat in the media library
Added a Lightbox / image expand button for full screen viewing of images
Added two more analytics cards, a average page speed chart and average page speed comparison
Added confirm modal when deleting images
Added powerful batch rename feature to the media library
Amended oxygen builder stylesheet
If the folder / filter panel is opened on content and media page that preference is now saved and remains open until closed
Completely rebuilt admin 2020 foldering system
Tweaked updraft plus styles