Version 1.1.9 is now available, if you are already on version 1.1.8 then you can update straight from your WordPress plugins page – please be patient, it sometimes takes a while for the update to show as available. If you are on a version below 1.1.8 then to update you will need to delete the plugin off your site and download using the link at the bottom of the update email and manually upload.
This version brings a highly requested feature with it, you can now disable different blocks on the overview page! This is just the start of our journey of making every aspect of Admin 2020 completely customisable.
We have also made some big changes to the post filters / table filters UI which make everything much easier to use especially when working with a lot of plugins that all add their own filters / actions.
Full Changes in v1.1.9:
Fixed 1 column / 2 column layout
Fixed good evening / good morning welcome message for different time zones
Fixed overview page dashboard total page count
Multi site installs now only show licence on Network Admin and you only need to enter licence on the network admin plugin settings page
You can now hide individual info blocks on the overview page
Fixed a bug that could throw an error on the recent comments block
Fixed several issues with the block editor especially when in dark mode
ACF Column plugin style tweaks
Quick actions in admin bar are now scrollable for those of us with a lot of plugins!
Made many changes to the way post / page filters and bulk actions are displayed, not only is this easier to use it should help with plugin compatibility
Fixed a bug causing login page to temporarily display without styling
Fixed a bug causing some strings not to be translated properly.